Harmonizing Diversity: StepTogether Engages with ChangeMaker for Inclusive Dialogue
Participants of Wheelworks Arts' (WWA) StepTogether (ST) programme recently joined a WWA ChangeMaker (CM) session on 21st March 2024. Led by acclaimed actor Louise Matthews, StepTogether provides a platform for individuals to share personal narratives and engage in discussions on community identity, diversity, and equality. Through mediums like performance, writing, and storytelling, participants learn to express their experiences authentically.
The CM session aims to promote understanding, tolerance, and equality. Developed by WWA, ChangeMaker blends coaching and artistic techniques to foster racial equity and tolerance. It enhances workplace cooperation and prompts reflection on biases. Through interactive sessions, participants explore identity and perceptions, striving for inclusivity and personal growth. CM caters to diverse groups, aiming to cultivate positive workplace dynamics and societal change.