Future Focus Programme 2023-2024
Welcome to Future Focus, a transformative initiative aimed at empowering the youth and fostering positive change in communities across Northern Ireland.
Future Focus Plus Antrim and Newtownabbey
Future Focus Plus is dedicated to recruiting and supporting 'At Risk' young people aged 12-17 in Antrim and Newtownabbey. Our goal is to engage participants and guide young people from cross-community individuals to become Young Peer Leaders. Through youth-led participatory activities involving traditional arts and digital technology, we strive to enhance cross-community connections and promote good relations, fostering understanding of conflict management.
Future Focus Downpatrick and Kilkeel
Future Focus Downpatrick and Kilkeel focuses on detached outreach-led activities, combining digital and traditional youth art interventions to engage disengaged young people aged 11-17 in the Downpatrick area. Emphasising cross-community connections and conflict management through youth-led participatory activities, our model operates on two levels: prevention work with at-risk youth and intervention work with disengaged youth involved in risk-taking and sectarian activities.
The ChillCart
The ChillCart, provided by WheelWorks Arts, is a mobile social space offering safe interventions and alternatives to anti-social behaviour for at-risk young people in Northern Ireland. It is an integral part of the Future Focus programmes in DownPatrick and Antrim. And aims to provids a welcoming environment for young individuals from diverse backgrounds, promoting engagement in social activities and arts-based workshops.
Our outcomes are centred on empowering the new generation in designated areas through creative engagement and cross-community sessions, fostering connections and understanding among individuals from different backgrounds. Through diversionary and cross-community activities, we aim to break down barriers, reducing inclination towards sectarian anti-social behaviour. We aspire to enable participants to build friendships and respect for each other's backgrounds, promoting long-lasting positive changes.
The programme also seeks to address environmental issues, increase community pride, and encourage social actions among young people. By supporting youth partners and fostering a shared vision, we empower youths to share experiences with family and friends, leading to longer-term changes within communities and the creation of an inclusive and peaceful society.